Asanka iSchool Collab


    Asanka Cloud

  • Asanka's Cloud Account is managed by select administrators at each school
  • Teachers are able to share content with admins to store on the device for classroom use

    Asanka Device

  • The Asanka Device is set up in classrooms with computer
  • The device side of Asanka can be accessed offline through a Wi-Fi signal given off by the RaspberryPi.


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User Interface Redesign

Current UI is difficult to navigate and unintuitive, not designed for Teachers

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Information Architecture

All content is in one location, no separation of resources or organization

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Security Recommendations

User accounts and permissions are not present


Difficult to Find Files

Previously, the Asanka device had all the information stored in one location. The only way to find files was through three filters alphabetical, date uploaded, or file type. Finding a particular file became increasingly challenging as more content was uploaded to the device

No Ownership of Content

Currently, there is no way to determine who is using which files on Asanka. Although teachers are eager to upload files they want to use to help them teach, there is no way for them to organize the personal files they upload vs all other files.

Challenging to Optimize Storage

Due to limited storage, files are frequently added and removed from Asanka. This is mainly because each device copies all files from the cloud acocunt. Without the ability to manage content at the device level, each device has a direct copy of the content on the other


Information Architecture

By creating an information architecture to categorize content based on subject, grade level, and teacher, management of content on Asanka is easier than ever before. Because storage space on Asanka is limited, administrators are often uploading new content and removing old files. Administrators will now be able to better understand what content is associated to which teacher so they can effectively distribute resources.

Teacher Focused Design

Giving every teacher their own folder for personal files encourages teachers to utilize Asanka more and gives them a sense of ownership over Asanka. With this design, we hope to encourage teachers to use technology more often in their classrooms.